Bye Laws
Engineering College, Kakinada has been established in the year 1946. The students who have successfully passed out of the college are spread over the world and quite many of them rose to very senior and commendable positions. In Hyderabad city, quite many students of this college are residing and wanted to form an association to facilitate activities of common interest to the Alumni of the College. Accordingly, the bye laws of the Association have been formulated.
The Bye Laws
of the Hyderabad Alumni Association
of JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada
- Name of the Association:
The Association shall be called "Hyderabad Alumni Association of JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada". The Association shall be located at Hyderabad / Secunderabad. - Membership:
Any Alumnus of JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada is eligible to become member. - Registering the Membership:
By duly submitting the membership application and paying the prescribed fees. - Admission of a member:
On receipt of the application of an alumnus to join the Association, the Executive Committee approves to admit the individual. It is an exceptional situation wherein the Admission may be denied by prior knowledge about the conduct of the individual, which may be detrimental to the Objectives of the Association. - Derecognizing the membership:
In unusual circumstances that may arise as a result of the misconduct of a particular member which is detrimental to the Objectives of the Association, the membership of the individual member may be derecognized by the Executive Committee. - Office:
The Office of the Association shall be the Residential Address of the Secretary. When the General Body elects a new Executive Committee, the address shall be that of the new Secretary. - Main Objectives:
- To provide a forum to establish a link between the alumni world-wide.
- To provide a forum to establish a link between the alumni world-wide, staff and students of University College of Engineering Kakinada.
- To enable the alumni to initiate and actively participate in activities which would contribute to the general development of University College of Engineering Kakinada, its staff and students;
- To institute prizes and scholarships, and render financial aid to deserving students of University College of Engineering Kakinada.
- To organize and enable the networking and interaction on activities of common interest among alumni of University College of Engineering Kakinada.
- To maintain a benevolent fund to help individual member of alumni in case of distress.
- To approve/promote establishment of units, chapters in different geographical locations having adequate congregation of alumni members.
To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects.
(As amended in the General Body Meeting held on 3rd November, 2019)
- Classification of the Members:
- Patrons:Those who pay to the Corpus Fund Rs. 10,000/- or more.
- Life Members:Those of the Alumni who make a onetime payment of Rs. 1,000/- to the Corpus Fund.
- Associate Members:Those of the Alumni or those connected with the college but not belonging to the Alumni who register with the Hyderabad Alumni Association of JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada either in person or by post or through its website; no payment is involved. However, they will not have voting rights and are not eligible for Executive Committee and participation in the General Body Meeting of the Association.
(As amended in the General Body Meeting held on 20th December, 2009)
- Advisory Council:
- All Alumni who are also the Patrons are the members of the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council may co-opt some senior Alumni into the Council, from time to time, for guidance and advice. The Advisory Council gives suggestions for the non routine activities which are of prime importance like, utilization of the Corpus Fund/ large funds, for any noble cause. The President, Vice President/s, Secretary and Treasurer of the Association shall be members of the Advisory Council. The suggestions of the Advisory Council shall be implemented after taking the Approval of the General Body which is the supreme deciding authority. Where necessary, a special meeting of the General Body shall be convened, for this purpose.
- Executive Committee; the Roles of each post; term; meetings; subcommittees
The Executive Committee is constituted by the following posts. The number in
parenthesis indicates the number of posts:
- President (1):Leader of the Executive Committee and decides the conduct of the Association with the help of the other members of the committee through guidance and carrying the members with him. However, in instances of lack of unanimity the opinion of the majority will be taken as the decision of the Executive Committee.
- Vice Presidents (2):In the absence of the President, the Vice President discharges the duties of the President.
- Secretary (1):Responsible for executing all the decisions of the Committee with the help of Joint Secretaries and other members.
- Joint Secretaries (4):Help the Secretary in executing all the decisions of the Committee.
- Treasurer (1):Responsible for the proper maintenance of the accounts of the Association and payments will be made in concurrence of the Secretary and shall furnish a statement of accounts for the financial year and get it audited by the Auditor appointed by the General Body and get it approved in the next immediate Executive Committee and General Body Meetings.
- Members (9):Alumnus who represent a group of Alumni through the organization in which they work or by geographic location; help as a team in the execution of the decisions of the Committee.
- Term of the Executive Committee:Two Calendar Years.
The Office Bearers in the posts of President, General Secretary and Treasurer shall not continue in the same office for more than two terms consecutively. They shall be eligible to contest again for the same post with a gap of at least one term.
(As amended in the General Body Meeting held on 18th December, 2011)
The Office Bearers in the posts of President, General Secretary and Treasurer shall not continue in the same office for more than two terms consecutively. They shall be eligible to contest again for the same post with a gap of at least one term.
- Executive Committee meetings:
- Executive Committee Meeting will be convened at least once in a quarter. The Executive Committee meeting may be called for more times also for taking important decisions.
- Notice for the Executive Committee Meeting will be given by either e mail or by telephone preferably 5 days in advance of the day of the meeting.
- The quorum for the Executive Committee meeting is 40% of the strength as on the day of the meeting. In case a unanimous decision could not be taken, the decision of the majority of the attended members will be taken as the decision of the Executive Committee Meeting.
- If any of the Executive committee member is continuously absent without information for 3 consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee (which is a sign of indifference), the member may be disqualified by the team of President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and the Treasurer and a suitable alumni may be identified and reinstituted in the place of the member disqualified. The same will be brought to the notice of the immediate next General Body when it meets.
- Sub-committees:
The Executive Committee is authorized to form subcommittees from time to time, out of the members of the association to carry out designated tasks towards fulfillment of the objectives of the association.
The Executive Committee is constituted by the following posts. The number in
parenthesis indicates the number of posts:
- Funds for the Association and Utilization:
- The funds for the Association are generated by the donations and subscriptions. The funds are mainly categorized as Corpus Fund and non-corpus Fund. Non corpus Funds are for a specific purpose like Souvenir, Get-together, Cultural activities etc., as per the need of the Association from time to time and decided by the Executive Committee. The Corpus Fund will be held in a Nationalized Bank in a Fixed Deposit and the interest earned may be utilized to run the office of the Association or for any other purpose as decided by the Executive Committee.Utilization of the Corpus fund held in the Fixed Deposit/s requires the recommendation of the Advisory Council and the approval of the General Body.The surplus of the fund collected for a particular purpose may be diverted towards the Corpus Fund or to meet the deficit amount in running the office, at the discretion of the Executive Committee with the concurrence of the General Body.
- To facilitate payments by members and safe custody of the cash, an Account will be opened in a Nationalized Bank and it will be jointly operated by any two of the following office bearers: 1) The President 2) The Secretary 3) The Treasurer.
- Imprest cash can be held by the Treasurer to an extent of Rs. 1000/- at any given time.
- General Body; Its Authority; Meetings; Notice; Quorum; Appointing:
- The General Body is the supreme authority in all matters concerning the activities of the Association.
- General Body Meeting will be convened at least once in a year and preferably on the last Sunday of November every year. The General Body Meeting may be called for more times also for taking important decisions. (As amended in the General Body Meeting held on 3rd November, 2024)
- Notice for the General Body Meeting will be given by either email or by post (to the registered address of the members) at least 15 days in advance of the day of the meeting.
- The quorum for the General Body Meeting is 1/5th the strength of the Association as on the day of the meeting. In case a unanimous decision could not be taken, the decision of the majority of the attended members will be taken as the decision of the General Body Meeting. However, for considering any changes in the Registered Bye-laws of the Association, concurrence of at least 1/2 of the strength of the members will be required.
- The General Body elects the Executive Committee once in two years. The General Body may appoint an Auditor for a Term of two years, for the purpose of auditing the accounts maintained by the Treasurer and issuing a certificate. The General Body approves the Audited Accounts of the Association.
- For the purpose of participating in General Body or getting elected to the Executive Committee, only Life Members and Patrons are eligible.
(As amended in the General Body Meeting held on 20th December, 2009)
- Winding up the Association:
- In case the Association is required to be wound up, it shall be governed by section 12 to 14 of the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and that the property and funds of the Association, that will remain after full satisfaction of the liabilities of the Association, will be transferred or paid to some other institution with similar aims and objectives.
- Legal Jurisdiction:
- In the event of any dispute among the members of the Association, the adjudication of its affairs shall be referred to the Principal court of the Civil judicature of the District.
- The End of the Bye Laws -