Alumni Directory
We request you to kindly note the following and help your friends and classmates to find you.
Alumni Registration Form:
We have been sending about 2,000 invitations by Email every year based on the addresses noted through Registration forms for various meets and as collected from various Alumni. But, we are not sure whether they are reaching the respective Alumni or not; whereas, if it is once registered by the individual, we are sure of the details and the sending the emails will be fruitful. Hence, we request those who have not attended the earlier meets to register with us and also help us in motivating your friends to register with the Association. In future, we may email only to those who have registered with the Association.
The Registration of Alumni with the Association is free. We welcome Registration of Alumni from any place on the Globe . It is not limited to Hyderabad. This will facilitate your details to be added to the Alumni Directory.
Please check your details in the Alumni Directory before you submitting the form.
If Your details are NOT LISTED: Please Submit the form.Alumni Registration Form
Alumni Information Update Form:
Changes if any in the details (address, phone numbers and e mail) given earlier may please be intimated by those who have registered earlier. This will facilitate to update the Alumni Directory.
Please check your details in the Alumni Directory before you submitting the form.
If Your details are listed but NO CHANGES required: Need NOT to submit the form.
If Your details are listed but changes REQUIRED: Please Submit the form.Alumni Information Update Form
It is our tradition to respect the departed souls and we observe a minute's silence during the meets and pray for the soul to rest in peace. Members may kindly bring to the notice of the Association with details of the departed Alumnus well in advance of the meet.