Sri K. Kanna Babu
Andhra Pradesh
M.Tech (Industrial Engg. & Management) from IIT Kharagpur
Director of Municipal Administration, Andhra Pradesh (Since 2015)
He was selected as Group I officer by APPSC and worked as Revenue Divisional Officer, Narsapuram and initiated several innovations in collection of land Revenue, law & order, handling natural calamities with his initiatives.
Subsequently he was conferred IAS and worked as Project Director, DRDA in Visakhapatnam and West Godavari Districts and was instrumental in strengthening Self Help Groups, Social Security, finance from banks etc.
Later he worked as State Resource Coordinator for Disaster Management with UNDP, and as Joint Collector, Kurnool. As Commissioner, Guntur Municipal Corporation he was instrumental in formulating several innovative projects such as street-scaping, junction improvement and preparation of sewerage project for Guntur City.
Subsequently he was promoted as Director of Municipal Administration, Andhra Pradesh in 2015 and driven with energy several initiatives for speedy implementation of AMRUT, SMART City, Swatch Bharat Mission and Waste to Energy programs in Andhra Pradesh. As a result, in September 2018, He has received commendation from the Govt. of India for achieving 1st Rank for AP in implementation of infrastructure and reforms under AMRUT program.
"Distinguished Alumni - 2018". Patron (Since 09-11-2018) in the Hyderabad Alumni Association of JNTU College of Engineering Kakinada.