13th AGM &
Annual Alumni Meet - 2018
4-November-2018JNTU, Kukatpally
The Annual Get Together cum 13th Annual General Body meeting of the Association was held on 4 November, 2018 at the UGC Auditorium of JNTU Hyderabad from 0900 to 1630 Hrs.
Overall, 180 members of the Alma mater attended the meet and with their families the strength of the participants are about 260. The 2 (two) of alumni registered during the meet as Patrons. And now the strength of Patrons is 89.
General Body Meeting:
The AGM started at 10:30 AM with a prayer song by Sri G. Kondala Rao, Joint Secretary.
Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President of the Association welcomed the members of the General Body and in his opening speech, highlighted the achievements of the Association in the past one year. Sri K. Vithal Murty, Treasurer of the Association presented the Accounts and Audit Report. The Treasurer Report was approved unanimously by the members present. This was followed by the presentation of the Annual report by Sri JVL Narayana, Secretary of the Association. He informed that during this year 7 new Patrons and 16 new Life Members joined the Association. The President gave his speech with concluding remarks. The vote of thanks was presented by Sri CSS Gupta, EC Member. The Meeting was concluded at 11:00 AM.
Annual Alumni Meet 2018 - Beginning
The Annual Alumni Meet started with JNTU Song at 11:00 AM.
Sri Sri G. Kondal Rao, Joint Secretary invited Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President of the Association to preside over the Function. Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.) invited to Sri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy, Vice President and the “Distinguished Alumni” Wg. Cdr. N. Soma Sekhar Rao, Sri Kota Subrahamanyam, Dr.VVVS Murthy, Sri KVS Baba, Sri Kalyana Rama and Sri K. Kanna Babu to the dais.
The President and Vice President felicitated the “Distinguished Alumni” Sri R. Kondala Rao, Wg. Cdr. N. Soma Sekhar Rao, Sri Kota Subrahamanyam, Dr.VVVS Murthy, Sri KVS Baba, Sri Kalyana Rama and Sri K. Kanna Babu with a flower bouquet and a shawl while the citations read by Sri K. Nagi Reddy and presented to them.
The “Distinguished Alumni” Sri R. Kondala Rao, Wg. Cdr. N. Soma Sekhar Rao, Sri Kota Subrahamanyam, Dr.VVVS Murthy, Sri KVS Baba, Sri Kalyana Rama and Sri K. Kanna Babu gave acceptance speech addressing the gathering.
Sri Kota Subrahamanyam impressed by the Activities by the Association and come forward to contribute Rs.5,00,000 to the Association Activities and expressed interest to become Patron of the Association.
Sri K. Kanna Babu appreciated the Activities by the Association and expressed interest to become Patron of the Association.
Mementos to Jubilee Alumni:
Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President presented the Diamond Jubilee Mementos to the Alumni of 1958 Batch. And Sri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy, Vice President presented the Golden Jubilee Mementos to the Alumni of 1968 Batch.
Vote of Thanks:
The Vote of thanks for the Annual Alumni Meet – 2018 function was presented by Sri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy, Vice President.
Presentations by Alumni:
A inspiring and motivating presentation on “Services to the society by the KEATS” by Sri D. Giridhar.
A brief note of Mentorship Program by the Association was given by Sri CSS Gupta, EC Member and Chairman, Mentorship Committee. Dr. VVVS Murthy came forward to help and support the Mentorship Programme.
The Conclusion of the Meeting
With the National Anthem the Annual Alumni Meet was formally concluded at 1: 15 PM.
Lunch and Informal Interactions:
The wonderful lunch was arranged for the all alumni, Spouses, Guests and children under supervision of Sri VSN Murthy, EC Member.
Entertainment Programme
The Entertainment Programme of the Annual Alumni Meet – 2018 was started at 2: 15 PM with the Alumni participations:
Participation by Alumni:
Dr. VVVS Murthy – Devotional Songs and Telugu Classical Poems, Ms. Radha Sarma - Classical Songs, Sri K. Gopala Krishna – Poems about Alumni Activities and Sri Gonella Venkata Rao – Annamacharya Keerthanalu and Songs
Surprise Gifts
At 3:00 PM a Fun Quiz organized by Sri G. Kondala Rao and Lucky Dip Conducted by Sri Peri Venkata Ramana. The Surprize gifts are given to the winners by Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President.
Cultural Programme:
At 3:15 PM started a wonderful classical dance Program by Ms. Alekhya and her team of Colors of Dance, Kukatpally of the disciples of Prof. NS Lakshmi Praveena. Ms. Alekhya, Ms. Vyshnavi C., Ms. Shiva Lakshmi, Ms. Greeshma, Ms. Usha, Ms. Akshitha, Ms. Samhitha, Ms. Joshitha, Ms. Mahakshi, Ms. Aashritha, Ms. Sanjitha, Ms. Venusri, Ms. Sree Saanvi, Ms. Manasa, Ms. Deepshika, Ms. Lipika, Ms. Haasini, Ms. Geethika, Ms. Sanjana, Ms. Vyshnavi, Ms. Chahna, Ms. Lavanya, Ms. Keerthana, Ms. Haripriya, Ms. Sahana, Ms. Sathwika, Mr. Phani, Mr. Hemanth, Mr. Bhargav and Mr. Durga gave the dance performances of classical and as well as Fusion.
After the dance performances, Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President and Sri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy, Vice President felicitated with a Mementos and the Certificate of Excellence to the Performers.
Annual Alumni Meet 2018 - Conclusion
The Vote of thanks for the Entertainment Programme of the Annual Alumni Meet – 2018 was presented by Sri K. Nagi Reddy, EC Member.
At 4:30 the Entertainment Programme was ended with Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President of Association pronounced the conclusion of the Annual Alumni Meet 2018.