14th AGM &
Annual Alumni Meet - 2019
3-November-2019JNTU, Kukatpally
The Annual Get Together cum 14th Annual General Body meeting of the Association was held on 3rd November, 2019 at the UGC Auditorium of JNTU Hyderabad from 0900 to 1630 Hrs.
Overall, 170 members of the Alma mater attended the meet and with their families the strength of the participants are about 240. And now the strength of Patrons is 90 and Life Members is 293.
General Body Meeting:
The AGM started at 10:30 AM with a prayer song. The Meeting was attended by 31 Patrons, 78 Life Members a total of 109 Members. The President, Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), in his opening speech highlighted the achievements of the Association in the past one year. He informed that during this year 5 new Patrons and 10 new Life Members joined the Association. The Treasurer, Sri K. Vithal Murty, presented the Accounts and Audit Report. The Secretary, Sri JVL Narayana presented the Annual Report.
- The Treasurer Report was presented to the General Body for the approval. Col. D. Hanumantha Rao (Retd.) [1966, Electrical] proposed in favour of approval and it was supported by Col. Putchala Satyanarayana Prasad (Retd.) [1966, Mech]. And the Treasurer Report was approved unanimously by the General Body.
- The proposal for Appointment of Auditors for a period of Two years a period of 2 (Two) Financial years FY 2019-20 & FY 2020-21 is discussed by the General Body of the Association. The Executive Committee recommended M/s. KCMS & Associates (Sri L. Murali Mohan Reddy at Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad) for the consideration and acceptance of the General body. Sri GS Rama Rao [1969, ECE] proposed in favour of approval and it was supported by Sri Gonella Venkata Rao [1969, Civil]. And the Appointment of Auditors was approved unanimously by the General Body.
- The Executive Committee recommended the Amendment to Bye Law No. 7 for detailed "Main Objectives" in place of "Aim and Objectives" for the consideration and acceptance of the General body. It was discussed by the General Body of the Association. Sri Mamidipaka Butchi Raju [1969, ECE] proposed in favour of approval and it was supported by Col. D. Hanumantha Rao (Retd.) [1966, Electrical]. And the Amendment to Bye Law No. 7 was approved unanimously by the General Body. The Bye Law No. 7 after the amendment:
7. Main Objectives:- To provide a forum to establish a link between the alumni world-wide.
- To provide a forum to establish a link between the alumni world-wide, staff and students of University College of Engineering Kakinada.
- To enable the alumni to initiate and actively participate in activities which would contribute to the general development of University College of Engineering Kakinada, its staff and students;
- To institute prizes and scholarships, and render financial aid to deserving students of University College of Engineering Kakinada.
- To organize and enable the networking and interaction on activities of common interest among alumni of University College of Engineering Kakinada.
- To maintain a benevolent fund to help individual member of alumni in case of distress.
- To approve/promote establishment of units, chapters in different geographical locations having adequate congregation of alumni members.
- To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects."
- The Election was conducted for the EC 2020 & 2021 successfully. In the Election, the following has been declared Elected unopposed by the General Body of the Association.The Executive Committee for 2020 & 2021:
Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.)[1965, Mech]PresidentSri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy[1965, ECE]Vice PresidentSri GS Rama Rao[1969, ECE]Vice PresidentSri Suryadevara Ravi[1980, Mech]SecretarySri VSN Murthy[1970, ECE]Joint SecretarySri G. Kondal Rao[1979, Civil]Joint SecretarySri CSS Gupta[1968, Mech]TreasurerSri KV Varma[1963, Electrical]EC MemberSri Peri Venkat Ramana[1965, Civil]EC MemberSri CK Murty[1965, Mech]EC MemberSri CV Ratnam[1965, Mech]EC MemberCol. Desireju Hanumantha Rao (Retd.)[1966, Electrical]EC MemberSri M. Partha Sarathy[1968, Electrical]EC MemberSri Susarla Radha Krishna[1976, Mech]EC MemberCol. M. Surya Prabhakara Rao[1982, Civil]EC MemberSri K. Nagi Reddy[1982, Mech]EC Member
The President gave his speech with concluding remarks. The vote of thanks was presented by Sri GS Rama Rao [1969, ECE]. The Meeting was concluded at 11:30 AM.
Annual Alumni Meet 2019 - Beginning
The Annual Alumni Meet started with JNTU Song at 11:30 AM. Sri G. Kondal Rao, Joint Secretary invited Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President of the Association to preside over the Function. The President invited Sri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy, Vice President and the “Distinguished Alumni - 2019” Sri S. Mallikarjuna Rao, AVSM, Dr. Murthy V.A. Bondada, Sri B.S.G.K. Shastry, Sri BCV Subba Rao (Aswini) and Prof. Dr. M. Ramalinga Raju, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor of JNTUK, Kakinada to the dais.
The Lighting of the Lamp was initiated by Sri Y. Adi Narayana Sastry [1950, Civil] and Sri P. Narayana Reddy [1950, Civil] and joined by the "Distinguished Alumni - 2019".
The President, Vice President and Sri Y. Adi Narayana Sastry [1950, Civil] felicitated the “Distinguished Alumnus - 2019” Sri S. Mallikarjuna Rao, AVSM [1955, Civil] with a shawl, a flower sapling, and the citation read by Sri Suryadevara Ravi [1980, Mech] and presented to him.
The President, Vice President, Sri P. Narayana Reddy [1950, Civil] and Wg. Cdr. N. Soma Sekhar Rao (Retd.) [1963, Electrical] felicitated the “Distinguished Alumnus - 2019” Dr. Murthy V.A. Bondada [1958, Civil] with a shawl, a flower sapling, and the citation read by Sri G. Kondal Rao and presented to him.
The President, Vice President, Sri Peri Venkat Ramana [1965, Civil] and Sri KSVN Appa Rao [1965, Mech] felicitated the “Distinguished Alumnus - 2019” Sri B.S.G.K. Shastry [1965, Mech] with a shawl, a flower sapling, and the citation read by the President and presented to him.
The President, Vice President, Sri AGK Rao [1954, Electrical], Dr. B. Visveswara Rao [1965, ECE] and Dr. P. Subba Rao [1988, Civil] felicitated the “Distinguished Alumnus - 2019” Prof. Dr. M. Ramalinga Raju [1986, EEE], Hon'ble Vice Chancellor of JNTUK, Kakinada with a shawl, a flower sapling, and the citation read by Sri B. Satyam [1986, ECE] and presented to him.
The President, Vice President, Sri GS Rama Rao [1969, ECE] and Dr. M. Ramalinga Raju [1986, EEE] felicitated the “Distinguished Alumnus - 2019” Sri BCV Subba Rao (Aswini) [1970, ECE] with a shawl, a flower sapling, and a memento presented to him and the Achievements of him narrated by Sri GS Rama Rao.
The “Distinguished Alumni - 2019” Sri S. Mallikarjuna Rao, AVSM, Dr. Murthy V.A. Bondada, Sri B.S.G.K. Shastry, Sri BCV Subba Rao (Aswini) and Prof. Dr. M. Ramalinga Raju, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor of JNTUK Kakinada gave felicitation acceptance speech addressing the august gathering.
Prof. Dr. P. Subba Rao, Principal of Alma Mater and President of ECOSAK, Kakinada gave an inspiring speech and invited to participate actively in coming up Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2020-2021.
Mementos to Jubilee Alumni:
Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President and Sri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy, Vice President presented the Golden Jubilee Mementos to the Alumni of 1969 Batch.
Vote of Thanks:
The Vote of thanks for the Meeting was presented by Sri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy, Vice President.
The Conclusion of the Meeting
With the National Anthem, the Meeting was formally concluded at 1:15 PM.
Lunch and Informal Interactions:
From 1:15 Pm to 2:15 PM, the wonderful lunch was arranged for the all alumni, Spouses, Guests and children under supervision of Sri GS Rama Rao, EC Member.
Entertainment Programme
At 2:30 PM, The Entertainment Programmes were started with the Alumni participations and compèred by Prof. N.S. Lakshmi Praveena.
Participation by Alumni:
Sri Gonella Venkata Rao [1969, Civil] - Devotional Songs and Telugu Classical Singing, Sri CSS Gupta [1968, Mech] - A Detailed Speech on Health & Wealth of Senior Citizens in 2020, Sri G. Kondal Rao [1979, Civil] - Devotional Songs, Sri M. Partha Sarathy [1968, Electrical] - A Brief Speech on Politics & Common Man Participation and Sri K. Gopala Krishna [1970, Electrical] - Rendering of Three Poems on our College Days. And an inspiring and motivating Speech on “Services to the society by the KEATS” by Sri D. Giridhar [1979, Electrical].
Surprise Gifts
At 3:15 PM a Fun Quiz conducted by Prof. N.S. Lakshmi Praveena. The Surprise gifts are given to the winners by Sri Chodagam SY Sankar Rao [1970, ECE], Ex-President, Sri S. Mallikarjuna Rao, AVSM [1955, Civil], Sri B.S.G.K. Shastry [1965, Mech],, Sri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy, Vice President and Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President.
Cultural Programme:
At 3:30 PM started a wonderful classical and folk dance performances by the disciples of Prof. NS Lakshmi Praveena, Eminent Dance Guru of Colors of Dance. The Dance Team including Ms. Akshitha, Ms. Alekhya, Ms. Amrutha, Ms. Ananya, Ms. Asritha, Ms. Beulah Rani, Ms. Bhavya, Ms. Chahna, Ms. Deepshika, Ms. Geethika, Ms. Greeshma, Ms. Haasini, Ms. Harshitha, Ms. Jaya Lakshmi, Ms. Keerthika, Ms. Lavanya, Ms. Lipika, Ms. Mahima Rushitha, Ms. Manasa, Ms. Meghana, Ms. Naziya, Ms. Niharika, Ms. Pavani, Ms. Pranathi, Ms. Sahana, Ms. Sahasra, Ms. Sanjana, Ms. Shashipriya, Ms. Shivani, Ms. Sreesaanvi, Ms. Srilakshmi, Ms. Srisha, Ms. Sruthi, Ms. Sushma, Ms. Teekshara, Ms. Usha Kiranmai, Ms. Varshini, Ms. Vedagna and Ms. Vishnu Priya. gave the dance performances of classical and as well as Fusion.
After conclusion of the dance program, Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President and Sri Kovvuri Subbi Reddy, Vice President felicitated with the Mementos and the Certificate of Excellence to the Performers. The Special Plaques were presented to Prof. NS Lakshmi Praveena, Eminent Dance Guru of Colors of Dance and to Ms. M. Rajasree, Secretary & Correspondent, Rishi UBR PG College for Women in recognition of their contributions for the Annual Alumni Meets - 2016, 2018 & 2019.
The Association expressed gratitude, for assisting smooth conduct of the Annual Alumni Meet to Mr. Ramatenki Ramesh, Founder and the inmates of Mathru Abhaya Foundation, Mr. G. Shiva Shankar, Mr. V. Pavan Chandra, Mr. B. Sai Vivek, Mr. G. Laxman Bhargav, Mr. T. Shiva, Mr. V. Manichandra, Ms. G. Meghana, Ms. G. Ramyasri, Ms. T. Sindhu Priya and Ms. B. Sravani. And also to the Students of Rishi UBR PG College for Women, Ms. Akhila, Ms. Deepika, Ms. Fareen, Ms. Hymavathi, Ms. Pavithra, Ms. Pooja Dayima, Ms. Prathyusha, Ms. Pushpa, Ms. Raja Kumari and Ms. Viharika.
Annual Alumni Meet 2019 - Conclusion
At 4:30 PM, the Entertainment Programme was ended with Col. PV Ramana Rao (Retd.), President of Association pronounced the conclusion of the Annual Alumni Meet 2019.